Spectacled Parrotlet

Spectacled Parrotlet


The spectacled parrotlet (Forpus conspicillatus) is a species of parrot in the family Psittacidae and is one of the smallest new world parrot species. Spectacled parrotlets are endemic to Middle and South America, including Northern and Central Colombia, Venezuela, and Eastern Panama.

Spectacled parrotlets are sexually dimorphic and can be sexed around three weeks of age. The male has violet-blue plumage under the wings and on rump. Males will also develop contour of blue around eyes after their first moult (5–7 months of age).

Females are completely green with a slightly brighter green head than body.

Weighing only 30 grams and growing up to 12 cm, spectacled parrotlets are the smallest parrotlet to exist.

Babies are born with a bright pink beak that changes to a beige colour as they age. They have a large and strong bill used for climbing and cracking open seeds and nuts, digging, foraging and preening.

Scientific Name

Forpus Conspicillatus

Country Of Origin


Eastern Panama, Northern Colombia and Central Colombia



4 inches

Life Expectancy


10 to 20 years

Noise Level


Quiet (comparable to that of a cockatiel)

Talk / Trick Ability

Very good


The spectacled parrotlet is a feisty, intelligent bird with a lot of attitude. They are well-liked because of being quiet, yet they can learn many words and they whistle very well too. They learn behavior cues such as “Step Up/Down” and “Kiss kiss,” and some can even learn how to play dead. They are affectionate and love spending time with their owners, yet are happy and independent enough to play contentedly with their toys while their owner is away.


Behavior / Health Concerns

Although tiny, the spectacled parrotlet needs plenty of room in which to exercise because it is a very active bird. To prevent boredom, plenty of toys should be rotated in a spectacled parrotlet’s cage on a regular basis, and interactive, one-on-one time with it pet bird owner is essential to their well-being. Because they tend to be fearless, keep a close eye on the spectacled parrotlet, particularly around other pets in the household.


Expert Advice

“Spectacled parrotlets are the gems of the parrotlet world because of their good looks, their charming personalities and their energy. They are usually not one-person birds but instead fall in love with anyone and everyone.”

Debra Lea, JustUsParrotlets.com, Ontario, Canada