Blue-Naped Parrot

Blue-Naped Parrot


This is a medium size parrot, around 31 cm (12 in) in length, primarily green except for a light blue rear crown and nape, pale blue lower back and rump, scalloped shoulders with orange-brown on black coverts, and blackish underwings with green underwing coverts.

Scientific Name

Tanygnathus lucionensis

Country Of Origin

Indonesia and Phillippine Islands


10 to 12 inches

Life Expectancy

40 years plus

Noise Level


Talk / Trick Ability



Blue-naped parrots are intelligent and interactive, and they thrive on playing. Both males and females of this species are quite vocal; some owners have noted that males seem to be more inclined to talk. They thrive on attention and enjoy being around their pet bird owners.


Behavior / Health Concerns

Blue-naped parrot are very active birds and require a large cage with sufficient amount of space to play and climb. Their diet should consist of seeds, nuts and fruits, similar to what they would eat in the wild. Consult with your avian veterinarian on the best diet for your blue-naped parrot.